Chase Alcala Vs CJ Rawlings (c)
Ladies & Gentlemen this will be the Main Event for A House Divided and it will be for the richest price in UKWA, the UKWA Championship and both The Challenger and Champion may have battled against each other before, but it would seem that this encounter could be more Dramatic and Entertaining.
We have the Challenger Chase Alcala, who is formerly known as "The Martini Daddy" Chase Alexander, however it would seem that he has gone through some sort of mental metamorphosis, which it would seem that Chase has unlocked a more vicious and sinister personality that many are most likely unprepared for.
The Reigning and Defending Champion "The Unpredictable" CJ Rawlings has been having victory, after victory since becoming UKWA Champion and showcasing why he is at the top of the Mountain of the UKWA Singles Division with his High Octane & High Risk style of wrestling, while also living up to his nickname of being Unpredictable.
Will Chase's new outlook and change be his ticket to Championship Gold?
Will CJ's High Risk Taking continue to pay off or will his luck run out?
Who will walk out UKWA Champion?
So, we highly recommend that you don't miss out on this amazing Championship Match and make sure to be there by taking the first step by purchasing your tickets NOW and BE THERE!
Coppenhall Working Men's Club on 18th November
Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 6:30pm
To pre-order your tickets, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue
Card Subject to Change
#UKWA #UKWrestlingAlliance #AHouseDivided #Wrestling #UKWrestling #BritishWrestling #SinglesMatch #ChampionshipMatch #UKWAChampionship #ChaseAlcala #TheUnpredictable #CJRawlings
