Please be aware that some items may take up to 30 days to arrive from the date of purchase, this is due to the various retailers that are used to acquire goods from (some are overseas - e.g. United States, Hong Kong, China and etc.) if your item doesn’t arrive in the set time please use the Contact page and it will be rectified accordingly (resend the item, refund or other).
Any goods found to be faulty or defective should be returned no later than 7 working days from your delivery arrival date with all content with all original packaging returned and proof of purchase (PayPal E receipt) (a refund, exchange, or replacement will be offered).
If in the event your item arrives and it's not what you wanted or you no longer needed it, it must be returned unopened and unused no later than 7 working days from your delivery arrival date before a refund or possible exchange is offered with proof of purchase (PayPal E receipt) (returned items are paid for by the customer in this event).
If in the event the item or items are currently out of stock you will be notified and offered a full refund or you can choose an alternative item or items of equal purchase value.
Please be aware that any person/s using foul language and/or threatening behaviour will be refused any services and also reported to the relevant authorities.